

yummm! Lemon Monkey Bread

Lemon Monkey Bread « Bakerlady

This looks absolutely AWESOME!!!

And I have a sister-in-love who would LOVE these! 😀

The recipe calls for using Rhodes frozen rolls (which are pretty good rolls if you wanna go that way), BUT I think I’ll try these using my go-to roll recipe:  The Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Roll dough recipe (she also uses the same recipe for her hot cross buns)


Update:  I did make this using PW’s cinnamon roll dough, and it turned out very nicely! 🙂  But there wasn’t enough of the “stickiness” that I associate with monkey bread, so next time I think I’ll roll the pieces in butter and then in the sugar and pour the leftover butter and sugar over the top.  It’s Definitely YUMMY!