Once again, I am venturing into the blogosphere . . .  as a contributor.

Years ago, in the far distant past, I took my first baby steps into blogging on Yahoo! 360.  Sadly, that realm no longer exists and along with it, has disappeared all of the wonderful contributions I made to the world by it. 😉  I hope the ether-net is benefiting from it now! 😀

I have missed the opportunity to express myself creatively.  I’ve also been learning so many things about my great God and this wonderful world He has created for us to rule over, use, and benefit from.  I long to be able share them with someone.  🙂

I don’t claim to be any great pundit or have any vast wealth of wisdom, or a polished style.  Sometimes my days are pretty mundane.  Sometimes the nuggets I share may seem overly sweet, some more bitter than sweet, and some needing more seasoning than others.  🙂 I’m just me, and I’d just like to share with you.

So welcome!  I’m so glad you’ve stopped by. 🙂  My hope and prayer is that as you spend time with me in my corner of the world, you will find yourself nourished in some way by the “nuggets” I share with you.

Oh! and please feel free to stop by my About page and find out more about me! 😉

(I’m also brand new to WordPress, so please bear with me as I stumble around at first, learning the technical ropes. Translation:  things may change-up from time to time for a bit here. 😉 )